If WWI and WWII were nominally World Wars, then surely Climate Change, which has already killed many more, is more insidious and is already projected to last for centuries will be remembered - by those that survive.
We can measure our success by two things:
- each single kWhr that we help our clients save.
- profitable economic survival to further criteria 1.
No doubt our strategies will need to evolve, but underpinning our very clear success criteria is a simple premise.
Energy is saved through a simple iterative process:
- Evaluate what must be done
- Examine means to achieve it
- Deploy most effective alternative
- Keep vigilant for performance deviation, emergent technology and changing need
I will be posting updates to this article - but for now I can announce that our initial position in terms of support of evaluation by energy managers of "what must be done" is as follows:
Position #1
Energy managers have a globally significant role, and to evaluate what must be done they should be provided the best tools possible.
The most significant driver of variation energy consumption in society is the external weather history in conjunction with diurnal building use (e.g. opening hours).
This is due to the requirement of buildings in their primary role - to isolate us from predominant external weather conditions.
Heating and Cooling degree-days ( HDD and CDD ) are the standard (though superficial) metric of "what must be done" for any building heating or cooling system.
For this reason kWIQly will make available to any energy manager world-wide ( from householder to enterprise facility manager ) without charge:
- Convenient tools to administer a list of buildings of interest
- Automated identification of suitable weather data sources
- Acquisition of free-weather data specific to those locations
- Automated calculations of degree-days for each site (to user stipulated parameters)
- Simple graphical representation of the same.
- A single-click download of this data.
The graphical representation and underlying data is available from Free degree day data
Explanation of Graphic :
The dark line represents hourly temperatures if zoomed out as shown here for three years are averaged over time
Red columns represent heating degree-days (calculated per day - visualized as period averages)
Blue columns represent cooling degree-days (calculated per day - visualized as period averages)